Words From A Member: Thibaud Latour (LMDCC)

Thibaud Latour, CEO LMDCC. (© LMDCC)

LMDCC has joined the Founders Club. Managing Director Thibaud Latour tells us more about the company. 

Thibaud Latour is CEO of the publicly funded Luxembourg Media & Digital Design Centre GIE, acting as the technology enabler of digital learning, training, education and skill development.  He holds a PhD in Computer Chemical-Physics from the University of Namur (Belgium) and spent more than 20 years at the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology as Head of Research Unit specialised in Knowledge modelling, Ambient Intelligence and Educational Technologies where he founded the “Cognitive Environment Lab”, before serving as Head of European Affairs.

In partnership with the University of Luxembourg, he led the design, implementation and deployment of TAO, the leading open-source computer-based competency assessment platform used worldwide in OECD’s PISA and PIAAC surveys among others. In 2013, to accelerate the development and TAO’s market penetration, he co-founded Open Assessment Technologies S.A. where he acted as Chief Technology Officer. 

His scientific activities have been developed synergistically with his artistic activities as a visual and digital artist. He loves speaking regularly in public events bridging art and science.

Can you pitch your company in a few words?

LMDDC is a public Economic Interest Group created by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research together with the Ministry of National Education, Children and Youth and the LIST. It acts as a technology enabler for digital learning, both as a resource centre and as EdTech research infrastructure.

Why did you decide to create this company?

The adoption of digital learning in Luxembourg is still slow. Despite a good level of IT equipment, training organisations cannot properly integrate technology and pedagogy and largely lack EdTech competencies and practical tools for digital content preparation and for classroom usage of technology.

What are your product(s)/service(s) and your business model?

The LMDDC serves public and private training organisations with:

  1. EdTech platforms and on-line tools;
  2. Design of digital learning media from video to games and AR/VR;
  3. Provide advisory services and technical assistance;
  4. Carry out technology and business intelligence, and dissemination activities.

How is your offering different from your competitors and other market players?

Despite the high number of training organisations in Luxembourg, the local EdTech market is small with siloed pedagogical and technological offers. As a non-profit EIG, LMDDC closes that gap by aligning pedagogical design and technology development on a wide range of media types and technologies.

Why did you decide to join the Founders Club?

Being able to discuss with the IT business ecosystem is of utmost importance for us not only to increase our visibility but also to have a broad knowledge of the state of business and identify collaboration opportunities. The club is the perfect place to do this and constitutes a natural choice.

What’s next?

The LMDDC is consolidating its service offer and visibility. Our roadmap focuses on the construction of our offices in Belval hosting our studio, our EdTech and digital learning design lab, and our hands-on workshops; the next recruitments; and the development of our digital tools platform.

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