Sissel Hansen: “Technology Is Increasingly Becoming An Enabler For Solving Significant Global Issues”

Sissel Hansen, founder and CEO of Startup Guide (© Peter Bjerke).

Startup Guide is a publishing and media company that has produced guidebooks for over 60 cities and regions globally. CEO Sissel Hansen tells us more about her perspective on the tech industry in Europe.

How is the current state of the tech industry in Europe compared to a few years ago? What about funding?

There is a solid maturation of the sector. A few years ago, the focus was primarily on fast consumer tech startups. Now, we are seeing a rise in e-tech, AI, and green transition initiatives. Technology is increasingly becoming an enabler for solving significant global issues, which shows its maturation. While it has become more challenging to secure funding post-COVID and amid geopolitical tensions, startups with robust technologies that address critical problems are still attracting investment. The money is there, it’s just more selective now. Startups with solid solutions to important issues are still able to secure funding, although not as easily as before.

What is your view on the European tech scene growth when compared globally? 

Europe is gaining significance in the global tech landscape. I recently participated in a panel in Porto for the Sim Conference, where we discussed the differences between the European, American, and Chinese tech ecosystems. Due to upcoming regulations, Europe is prepared for many challenges that other regions might not be ready for yet. This regulatory readiness, positions Europe advantageously in the global market. Europe’s proactive approach to regulation is a key differentiator, it helps create a stable environment for tech companies to thrive.

There is an importance in the green transition. It’s not only about energy but everything related to the green transition, with prevention, like reducing CO2 emissions, and adaptation, such as dealing with water shortages and floods. Technologies addressing these issues are becoming more important due to the rapid escalation of climate change. The future potential of technology to make a significant impact in addressing climate change is apparent. You will see more startups focusing on both prevention and adaptation of climate change, and that’s where technology can really make a difference.

What are your views on AI and machine learning in the European market?

On the topic of AI and machine learning, there has to be a balanced stance. Everything has its merits when used in the right way. It’s a political answer, but I am a fan of technology. It comes down to how we regulate it properly to protect ourselves and others. AI can do tremendous work, and Europe is at the forefront in ensuring it is used responsibly. The importance of responsible regulation to harness the benefits of AI while mitigating potential risks is a must in this market and climate. As we look to the future, the continued focus on green technologies and responsible AI use will likely drive further innovation and growth in the European tech industry, making it an exciting space to watch.

“Aspiring entrepreneurs looking to start a tech company in Europe today should focus on understanding the diverse market landscape and regulatory environment across the continent, while focusing on a solution.”

Sissel Hansen, CEO of Startup Guide.

What advice would you give to an aspiring entrepreneur looking to start a tech company in Europe today?

Identify a unique value proposition that addresses specific market needs, leveraging Europe’s strengths in innovation, skilled talent, and established infrastructure. Network extensively within to build connections and gain insights from experienced professionals. Secure funding through various available channels, including EU grants, venture capital, and crowdfunding. Finally, stay adaptable and informed about local regulations, especially regarding data protection and digital business operations. 

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