RespectUs: Beyond Space Export Control

Patrick Goergen, founder of RespectUs. (© RespectUs)

RespectUs simplifies export control compliance with its innovative platform and training academy, validated by the ESA, ensuring global regulatory adherence for various industries.

Founded in 2019, RespectUs has developed an innovative platform, to help users navigate the complexities of export control compliance. The platform manages and implements internal processes to ensure compliance with export control regulations and sanctions. 

Key features of the platform include efficient product classification with regard to control lists, exchange of classification sheets between suppliers and integrators, and thorough customer and end-use due diligence. 

Additionally, it offers documentation of an internal compliance program, protection against legal fines or business suspension, productivity gains, proper determination of license requirements, and overall demonstration of compliance with export control regulations.

After its inception, RespectUs joined Fit4Start, securing funding through the Luxembourg Space Program. 

“We aim to serve not only space companies but also industries dealing with products and technologies subject to export control, such as healthtech and defense. Our vision is to create a platform for 50+ countries, deepening our expansion globally.”

Patrick Goergen, founder of RespectUs.

Validated by the European Space Agency (ESA) in March 2023, RespectUs has attracted major customers, including SMEs and large enterprises from the space sector, and exporting companies and suppliers from various industries. 

The company’s major projects include export control compliance for space companies and their suppliers. To tackle regulatory challenges beyond Luxembourg, RespectUs ensures compliance with UN, EU, and country-specific regulations, constantly adapting to updates and making the regulations easy to understand for both their team and clients.

RespectUs Academy

In April 2023, RespectUs launched the RespectUs Academy, dedicated to training in export control and space-related topics. The Academy empowers companies to stay compliant with export control regulations in the digital age. 

“Our courses, trainings, and workshops are unique in Europe, providing participants with both basic and advanced understanding of export control compliance.” 

Patrick Goergen, founder of RespectUs.

These educational programs are available on-site, online, and in hybrid modes, with introductory courses in English, German, and French. Some topics are product classification, sanctions and embargoes, customer due diligence, and end-use checks.

All courses in 2023 were free of charge and open to all participants, including specialised workshops like “Contracts in the Space Sector,” attended by members of the space ecosystem. Additional space-related courses are in preparation, further enhancing the company’s commitment to comprehensive compliance education.

Vision for the future

RespectUs continues to innovate by focusing on the inclusion of machine learning and AI in its system to enhance speed and alignment with client needs. The platform covers various aspects of export control, including license determination, product classification, customer screening, sanctions and embargoes, end-use checks, and risk assessment. 

Future developments include sector-specific tools, such as for defense, and customised products for different sectors. Addressing the challenges faced by businesses in navigating export control regulations, RespectUs aims to simplify the complex system. The platform is designed to make regulations easier to understand, even for technical professionals like product engineers. It also provides collaborative tools for clients to manage their licensing data in one place. 

“Our goal is to ensure that customers have full faith in our solution.”

Patrick Goergen, founder of RespectUs.

Funding and recognition

RespectUs has received funding from Fit 4 Start in 2020 and later on from the LuxIMPULSE National Space Program. Another round of funding has seen early customers invest an undisclosed amount, highlighting their trust in the company. 

Validated by the European Space Agency (ESA) and labeled “Made in Luxembourg,” RespectUs is proud of this recognition, which has significantly boosted client trust and solidified its position in the Luxembourg ecosystem. “The validation from ESA is proof that our software is made for a global audience,” adds Goergen.

RespectUs’ commitment to innovation, education, and compliance positions it as a leader in export control solutions, dedicated to helping businesses navigate the complexities of global regulations.

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