Neurabody Launches AI-driven Posture Solution

William Choi, co-founder of Neurabody. (© Neurabody)

Neurabody is a South Korean, Luxembourg-based startup using data and IoT products to help users address their back pain more effectively. Their solutions target office workers, insurance companies, and even esports gamers.

According to a recent study published in The Lancet, lower back pain forces more people out of the workplace than any other chronic health condition for working-age populations. Neurabody’s smart posture products, which are embedded with sensors and powered by an analytics platform, aim to help users address their bad posture habits.

“The societal and economic impact of lower back pain is enormous. We see the loss of productivity from missed days at work and a reliance on medication to alleviate pain. At the same time, there is varying and even contradictory advice to fix back pain. We need innovation in this field, not least since back pain is the leading cause of disability worldwide,” says William Choi, co-founder of Neurabody.

Neurabody’s products have built-in monitors that provide personalized feedback and advice on improving posture and reducing pain. Today, the company offers a smart posture estimation sensor and an optional posture correction ergonomic shirt. If the user begins to slouch, the sensor detects it and buzzes to remind the user to sit up straight.

New products on the horizon

Neurabody is also aiming to release a smart posture seat and smart lumbar support devices in 2025 and 2026, respectively. Together with the software, it’s an all-in-one solution for people with chronic back pain, targeting the entire spine from the head to the lumbar lordosis.

“Our technology analyzes posture data from the sensor to detect habits and behavior patterns. Users can monitor their posture throughout the day via a dedicated mobile app. […] The idea is to help users become aware of their sneaky little habits and correct them,” says Susan Kim, Research Manager & Data Analyst at Neurabody.

Motivated by the back pain issues William Choi, a serial entrepreneur and founding member of BackJoy Orthotics, and his wife experienced, decided to tackle this global problem. He founded Neurabody to provide data-driven tools to help millions of people address back pain more effectively. This approach focuses on solving the underlying issue, not just the discomfort itself.

Neurabody’s ergonomic products target not only office workers who sit for long periods but also extend to insurance companies looking to improve employee wellness and even esports gamers seeking to prevent injuries during training and competition. Neurabody currently has about 500 active users, among them LG Academy and Dongyang Life Insurance.

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