MeluXina: Accessibility For SMEs

Arnaud Lambert, CEO of LuxProvide, and Pierre-Yves Lanneau Saint Léger, host of event. (© Hassan Nada)

A recent conference in Luxembourg brought together technology enthusiasts and experts to explore the capabilities and potential of Meluxina, the powerful supercomputer. Held at Club B17 the event aimed to highlight how high-performance computing (HPC) can boost innovation and efficiency for startups, SMEs, and various industries.

Arnaud Lambert, CEO of LuxProvide, and Valentin Plugaru, CTO of LuxProvide, shared their insights on the ever changing arena of digital technology, with a particular focus on the Meluxina supercomputer, as host Pierre-Yves Lanneau Saint Léger, moderated the event. 

“I found it interesting to showcase what Luxembourg has to offer in terms of high-performance computing for startups and SMEs, as well as the range of state aid and subsidies provided by the Ministry of Economy and LuxInnovation. The business club B17 is happy to serve as a platform for entrepreneurs, service providers, and public stakeholders to connect and initiate win-win collaborations,” said Pierre-Yves Lanneau Saint Léger, host and owner of LSL.

In 2021, Lambert joined Luxinnovation as the director of the digital innovation hub, focusing on accelerating digital transformation in Luxembourg. By October 2023, he was appointed CEO of LuxProvide, tasked with steering the operational management and strategic direction of Luxembourg’s national supercomputer, Meluxina.

A national asset

Meluxina is Luxembourg’s premier supercomputer, designed to significantly enhance the country’s digital capabilities. Inaugurated in 2021, Meluxina quickly gained recognition, ranking 36th in the world for its power and 4th for its energy efficiency. The supercomputer embodies Luxembourg’s commitment to digital sovereignty and innovation.

“The main benefits we can see is starting from basically what you want to have as a company. So the first is everything around customer service. How can you improve your customer service by taking the benefit of your data and AI in a private and secure manner? Because customer data is key. That’s as important as your financial elements,” said Lambert.

“The issue today is while AI offers many benefits, the moment you put your private data into any cloud AI, the data is not yours anymore, and you don’t know what it becomes. This is where we have a unique opportunity in Luxembourg.”

Arnaud Lambert, CEO of LuxProvide

Meluxina boasts impressive specifications, including 90,000 CPU cores and 800 GPUs. This incredible computing power is essential for tasks requiring vast data processing and complex simulations, such as digital modelling, artificial intelligence (AI), and big data analytics.

The supercomputer operates within a Tier 4 data center, ensuring the highest levels of security and availability. Additionally, LuxProvide, the entity managing Meluxina, is ISO 27001 certified, guaranteeing top-tier IT security standards and data sovereignty.

Strategic importance and applications

Luxembourg’s investment in Meluxina aligns with broader European efforts to remain competitive in the global digital economy. The supercomputer serves multiple sectors, including commercial enterprises, research institutions, and public services, providing unprecedented access to HPC resources. “The second element is everything around operational efficiency. Every company in the world wants to make sure their products are very efficient. AI brings a different perspective on many things within a company. But for that, you need your internal data to go into the AI to augment your intelligence about it,” said Lambert.

One of Meluxina’s unique offerings is its accessibility to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Traditionally, supercomputers were accessible only to large corporations or through academic collaborations. Meluxina breaks this barrier, enabling SMEs to conduct sophisticated data analysis and simulations, fostering innovation at all levels of business.

Real-world impact

The supercomputer supports various projects, from material science to medical research, delivering tangible benefits and driving technological progress. “The key issue is that internal data is usually very sensitive. If you speak about operational efficiency of supply chain, customer service, it’s very sensitive data. The issue today is while AI offers many benefits, the moment you put your private data into any cloud AI, the data is not yours anymore, and you don’t know what it becomes. This is where we have a unique opportunity in Luxembourg,” said Plugaru.

One of the key challenges is the need for specialized personnel. LuxProvide focuses on hiring experts who can help customers navigate the complexities of HPC environments

HPC originated from research needs, enabling simulations and analyses that were otherwise unattainable. Today, LuxProvide’s mission is to translate these capabilities into business value. The expertise in using HPC is still predominantly found in universities, posing a challenge for commercial applications. “With a growing need for skills that blend traditional numerical simulation with AI, cloud computing, and data management,” said Plugaru.

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