Is The Cloud A Lawless Space?

The plurality of actors involved, including people, software and hardware, constitutes the main obstacle to the complete securement of the Cloud. The President of EuroCloud Europe, Dr. Tobias Höllwarth, explained this issue for us.

Is the Cloud 100% safe? Dr. Tobias Höllwarth cannot but reply negatively to this black or white question, and for a very good reason: “The Cloud is a complex combination of IT services, datacenters, cable providers, software elaborated by various enterprises, maintenance teams…. When too many actors are involved, we can never speak of a perfectly safe space”.

Investing on knowledge and critical thinking

Despite this, it is possible to improve the security of the Cloud. “The first step is knowing the technologies and the processes. If you don’t know the law, you will not be able to understand any contract. You have to exploit your critical thinking”. It is firstly up to the user to search for the best guarantees and look at compliance with the regulations, avoiding to blindly put trust in a service. “A company should always verify for itself these kinds of issues, and to this end I strongly suggest to use the website”, concluded Tobias Höllwarth.

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