ecoffee, The Future Of Coffee?

eCoffee's team pitching at the Mini-Entreprise contest by Jonk Entrepreneuren Luxembourg (© Jonk Entrepreneuren Luxembourg).

Revolutionizing the coffee market is the aim of the ”ecoffee” mini-enterprise. Not only does their coffee have a large number of ecological and social advantages over traditional coffee, but it is also extremely tasty without having a negative impact on health or on the environment.

A group of 6 boys from the Lycée Aline Mayrisch Luxembourg are driven by a clear vision:
to raise public awareness of a new type of coffee… the lupin coffee.

As challengers of the Mini-Entreprise Awards by Jonk Entrepreneuren Luxembourg, the students are refining their project with the help of coaches from the entrepreneurial and startup ecosystem. The House of Startups assumes an educational role in supporting the initiative and sparking students’ vocational interests about innovation as a career choice. By organizing university and school visits, empowering next generation entrepreneurs and showcasing inspiring projects, the House of Startups fosters interactions with the ecosystem. Supporting the initiative of mini-entreprise ecoffee is a perfect example of this.

The first stages

Luca, ecoffee Head of Marketing, explains: ”As soon as we decided to venture in the coffee business, and after familiarizing ourselves with lupin coffee and its benefits, we realized that traditional coffee is an ecological disaster. We understood that we could address these issues. Collaborating with our coach Philippe Linster, CEO of the House of Startups and his team, we were able to develop each aspect of the company’s operations.”

“While we offer a specific product, it caters to anyone who enjoys coffee.”

Alessio Calisti Thill, CEO, Fynn Arbogast, Head of HR of ecoffee

A multi-benefit product

Regarding the project’s relevance, the company’s CEO, Alessio Calisti Thill, highlights the advantages of ecoffee over traditional coffee: ”By sourcing Lupin coffee beans, we‘ve significantly reduced our transport emissions. Lupin flowers are cultivated throughout Europe, and we procure beans from a supplier in the local region. Additionally, the lupin cultivation is 95% more environmentally friendly in terms of water consumption compared to traditional coffee. Lupin is a self-reproducing plant, so we leave a positive impact on the environment. In terms of nutritional value, it contains ample protein and dietary fiber. Furthermore, our coffee lacks caffeic acids, making it better for mental and overall health.“

Production: a major process

Nicolas Terrens, the production supervisor, elaborates: “Our supplier harvests beans from their fields, where they are then roasted. This could potentially become one of our future activities. The farm supplying us is organically certified, ensuring high-quality coffee processing. Once the coffee delivery replenishes our stock, we grind and package it into our sales bags. We use an industrial grinding machine, and our coffee bags are made from 100% recycled materials, ensuring recyclability. Additionally, our sachets are FSC-certified, guaranteeing responsible environmental management and meeting the highest standards.”

The customers

Fynn Arbogast, head of human resources, adds: “While we offer a specific product, it caters to anyone who enjoys coffee.”

Future Prospects

With future plans including the introduction of new coffee beverages, establishing regular sales stands, and investing in environmental initiatives, the team’s motivation is unwavering—the company stands to make significant strides in the coffee sector.

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