Digital Learning On The Rise As DLH Hits 6,000 Registrations

Serge Linckels, manager of 42 Luxembourg, welcomes the school's first cohort of learners on 2023, November 20th (Photo © 42 Luxembourg).

The Digital Learning Hub is celebrating its second birthday, having crossed the 6,000 registration mark. It is also launching two trials in July for its free coding school and hosting an AI conference in June.

The growing demand for digital skills training is good news for the Digital Learning Hub (DLH), which was created by the Ministry of Education, Children, and Youth to reduce the gap in qualifications in that area. The organisation manages 42 Luxembourg, a free programming school, which saw 142 students enrol in February 2024. Boasting a 100% hiring rate, this programme is part of a private institution launched in Paris which is now present in 31 countries. An intense trial period, called piscine, is the road to admission. 42 Luxembourg will carry out two of those between 8 July and 2 September 2024.

“Redefining IT reskilling with 42Luxembourg’s success and two additional ‘Piscines’, alongside the Digital Learning Hub’s 270+ trainings and over 6000 registrations, Luxembourg accelerates its digital evolution and offer of attractive careers in IT.”

Serge Linckels, managing director of Digital Learning Hub Luxembourg.

DLH’s trainings are split into four categories: coding, cybersecurity, blockchain, and design thinking. More than half (56%) of those enrolled in the hub are registered at the national employment agency ADEM. This may be partially explained by the fact that courses are free for unemployed people signed up at ADEM. The private sector makes up another significant chunk of DLH participants with 26%. Students account for 7% of registrations.

With the growing interest in AI, it is no surprise that the DLH has set up free online courses that can help people improve their skills in this domain. Those aim to provide a general understanding of the fast-developing digital tools and equip future and current employees for changes in the workplace. The organisation will offer three support sessions with experienced AI trainers, followed by an AI conference on 7 June.

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