AXA Partners With AIxH To Target 95% Of Local Languages

Mathieu Lafond from AXA (left) Jérémy Coxet and from AIxH (right) collaborated on an AI-powered campaign (© AXA / AIxH).

AXA recently launched an AI-powered campaign with AIxH to reach a wider demographic in its native language. Jérémy Coxet from AIxH and Mathieu Lafond from AXA tell us more about this new campaign.

You recently an AI-powered campaign with AXA which covered over 95% of the languages ​​spoken in Luxembourg. How was this campaign different from previous AXA campaigns?

ML: All previous AXA Luxembourg campaigns were conducted exclusively in French, English, or German. This campaign is truly differentiating and innovative as it is carried out in 20 other languages, beyond these usual three. We have thus created written, oral, and video content in languages ​​such as Korean, Finnish, Hungarian, and Italian, for example. This is quite rare in Luxembourg.

“It is possible to create highly personalized advertising and informational content for a multilingual audience using AI”

Jérémy Coxet, co-founder of AIxH

Which goals did you hope to achieve with this campaign?

ML: The goal is to engage the different communities speaking these 20 languages ​​with announcements in their native language. This applies to both current residents of Luxembourg and those worldwide who are specifically researching the Grand Duchy. We aim to capture their attention, attract them, and then explain all the steps needed to insure their home in Luxembourg, which is often one of the first tasks when settling in, following the sometimes tedious search for accommodation. By making this step easier to understand, we increase interest and facilitate contact with our agents.

JC: For us at the agency, the primary goal of this campaign was to demonstrate that it is possible to create highly personalized advertising and informational content for a multilingual audience using AI. We also wanted to prove that linguistic inclusivity could be achieved without compromising quality or significantly increasing costs.

What results has the campaign achieved? Can you share any numbers?

ML: The campaign has been live for less than a month so far, and the initial numbers are very promising across the different axes of our campaign, via Google or Meta. We notice the pride of several communities in the fact that we communicate in their language and that we have made the effort to do so. Our commitment to contributing to a more accessible and inclusive society and insurance is a success. Let’s give ourselves some more time to gain perspective; we will make an initial assessment with figures at the end of June. However, given the growth in requests and leads over the past three weeks, we are already very satisfied with this campaign and this initiative.

JC: This campaign has delivered exceptional results across all standard digital marketing metrics. We’ve seen significant increases in engagement, click-through rates, content consumption, and exposure time… all by simply focusing on the language of our communication (just imagine the potential when we expand personalization further). The most exciting part, however, is the feedback from AXA’s sales teams, who report that clients are much more informed and engaged due to our multilingual strategy.

“Beyond marketing, the potential of artificial intelligence is vast in the field of insurance, from claims handling to reimbursements and pricing.”

Mathieu Lafond, Head of Marketing & Communication at AXA Luxembourg

What is the biggest takeaway of this campaign for you?

ML: We are accumulating a wealth of information from all the data, and we are already observing differences in behavior and performance from one language to another, and from one community to another. These insights are very valuable for better targeting future actions and positioning our offers in a more personalized manner. We can already see what needs to be adapted. At the launch of this initiative, we made certain assumptions, which is the principle of innovation: at some point, you have to launch, test, analyze, and adapt.

JC: The most important lesson from this campaign is that AI can truly transform the way we approach multilingual marketing. We learned that integrating advanced technologies not only enhances inclusivity but also allows us to more effectively meet the specific needs of each linguistic community.

What future avenues of collaboration do you envision between marketing and insurance players?

ML: This initiative demonstrates the potential of artificial intelligence in marketing and insurance. For a country as diverse and cosmopolitan as Luxembourg, this is even more relevant for simplifying understanding and processes. Beyond marketing, the potential of artificial intelligence is vast in the field of insurance, from claims handling to reimbursements and pricing. Yes, it is very promising.

JC: We have harnessed AI to offer more tailored and personalized insurance services, making them more welcoming for specific target groups. This campaign is just the first step. At our agency, we believe we are moving towards “one-to-one marketing” where every piece of content, every offer, and every message is personalized. Previously, personalization was limited to a few dynamic fields in an email campaign; now, thanks to AI, the entire marketing ecosystem can adapt in terms of content.

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